United States … Here I Come !!!

Visit our exclusive friendly sales partner in the United States The French Needle: https://www.frenchneedle.com D’Amazoni ®© Exclusively Available @ United States We are very pleased that the sale of D’Amazoni takes place, exclusively through our friendly sales partner: The French Needle Contact The French Needle: info@frenchneedle.com https://umbrellasfestival.com/worldwide/united-states/ Contact The French Needle: info@frenchneedle.com Contact D’Amazoni USA: contact@damazoni.us

Legal State – D’Amazoni ®©

The brand & design D’Amazoni ®© is legally protected and deposited. All images, texts, documents, films and sounds that appear on our website(s) are protected by copyright. The protection applies in the broadest sense of the word. Prior written permission is required for any publication, distribution or transfer thereof. General info: Legal-State@DAmazoni.com

Payment outside Europe

Special for payments outside Europe, variable amount. PayPal payment – optional amount: PayPal.me/DAmazon Umbrella’s Festival Europe – D’Amazoni ®© registered: The Netherlands / KvK 55775942 TrioDos-bank: NL97 TRIO 0254 7701 50 & BIC / SWIFT: TRIONL2U Umbrella’s Festival Europe: – D’Amazoni ®© pays the fee. For you it’s free. Plus, eligible purchases are covered by our Buyer Protection. General[…]